What and who are Rites Together?

Rites Together is a WA based Not for profit organisation which has grown out of a community of women and men who have provided Rites of Passage camps in WA for the past 15 years through other non-WA based organisations. The Rites Together Community are volunteers from within WA who are passionate about providing affordable and safe Rites of Passage programs that are challenging for both the adolescent and adult participants.

Who can attend a Rites Together camp?

Boys between the ages of 13-16 and their Father or Male Mentor. Mother or female mentors are also asked to attend on specific days before and after the camp. Currently Rites Together does not offer a Mother or Female Mentor/daughter program.

How much does the camp cost? Do you have payments options?

Rites Together has the philosophy that no one should miss out on this experience because of cost and aims to facilitate various ways of payment to ensure costs are covered for the camps and the organisation to be sustainable. The current cost of the Stepping Into Manhood camp is set at $1450. This includes all costs for both Father and Son to attend the camp and also covers the Mothers Program. Alternative arrangements for payment can be made after camp registration.

Where are the camps held?

The camps are held in a bush location within 1-2 hours drive from metropolitan Perth. The location may differ for camps dependent on the numbers enrolled.

How long will my husband and son be away on the camp?

The camps are currently set for 4 days and 3 nights commencing on a Wednesday and returning on a Saturday.

What happens on a camp?

Your son will be going through his Rite of Passage. A ROP acknowledges and honours the transition from boy to young man. A ROP has three elements: The first is the Separation Stage where he will separate from his normal life and community. Second Stage is the Transformational Stage which happens during the camp, where he will hear men’s stories about what it means to be a man. He will be challenged physically and emotionally and he will be honoured and acknowledged for his unique gifts and talents, genius and spirit. The final stage is the Return to Community where he will come back as a young man and be encouraged to integrate all he has learned about himself into his life and community.

What commitment is required for families attending a Rites Together camp?

The Rites Together program commences on the Introductory Night. This night is for Mums (or female mentor and Dads (or male mentor) ONLY. The boys do not attend on this night. The Introductory Night is an important element of the program as it provides an opportunity to meet other families, hear a little about the Program and what involvement parents will have in the camp process.

The Leaving Day is for Mothers or woman mentor, Fathers or male mentor and the boys. We ask that no other children attend on this day. This is the day your son takes an important step on the journey to Manhood. It is a day where mothers farewell their sons and give their blessings for his journey to Manhood. The mother’s involvement on this day is critical to the success of the program.

The Return To Community day is the final component of the camp when the young men and men return. This is a day of celebration. All members of the young man’s family and are encouraged to attend to welcome and witness the young man’s return and transition into Manhood.

A Reunion Day is held around three weeks after the camp for young men and their families to reunite with friends made during the camp and to consolidate the teachings and learnings.

What involvement do mothers have on the boy's camps?

Mothers or women mentors, play a vital role in their son’s ROP. Mothers are asked to attend the Introductory Night, Leaving Day, Return Day and Reunion Day. It is very important that the time is put aside to attend ALL of these days. Please be familiar with the dates of each day/night and arrange for leave from work if at all possible. We would suggest that this is a time for mothers to redefine their relationship with their son ie: from being mother of a boy to being mother of a young man ie: acknowledging his Rite of Passage as a time of change. An example may be to begin relating to him as a young adult as opposed to a boy.

What OH&S and Child Protection measures are in place on the camp?

Your son’s safety is paramount. We have strict OH&S guidelines and Child Protection Officers who attend each camp. We have qualified First Aid Officers and evacuation procedures in place on all camps. All Rites Together facilitators are screened and have current ‘Working With Children’ cards.

Rites together has a stringent protocol for all their volunteers, staff, cooks and others associated with the organisation which includes careful vetting of all involved, education on the requirements and mandatory reporting. Information on these protocols can be provided prior to camp and will be included in the camp briefings prior to departure.

Who can I contact to talk more about the camps?

Reijer Groenveld – 0408 605 842, Camp Leader for Father/Son Program

Karen Marsh – 0414 435 755, Camp Leader for the Mothers Program


Find out more about Rites Together!