Our People

Alan Mallaby

Alan has been involved in Rites of Passage camps and administration for 10 years. He took his son on a Pathways Camp in 2006 and has been involved in many camps since as well as undertaking leadership training. Alan brings a variety of skills to Rites Together including organisational and logistical expertise gained through past occupational training and a desire to make things run as efficiently as possible. He is passionate about giving young people a meaningful transition into adulthood as well as supporting fathers and mothers in accepting and encouraging this most significant change in their lives.

Brian Curtis

Brian has been actively involved as a volunteer leader in rites of passage camps for the last ten years. He did his leadership training in 2007 after his teenage stepson completed the Pathways to Manhood camp and he became a facilitator on subsequent camps. He has a commitment to helping teenage boys and men find their true potential and take what they learn into the next stage of their life. He has undertaken leadership and facilitator training within Rites Together and other organisations conducting Rites of Passage work. He is a musician, father and step parent, with extended family across the world. He brings a passionate approach to Rites of Passage work tempered by an ability to not take himself seriously when he wants to have fun.

David Dyke

David has a daughter & son and now 6 grandchildren. David’s passion in volunteering for our community initially ignited when he launched into bob-a-job with air scouts in Kalgoorlie where he grew up. For the past 50 years David has been involved in groups to lift self-esteem & confidence of our youth and the self-awareness of adults. Over his time David has worked as Nightline Counsellor with Graham Mabury on Nightline at 6PR for 10 years, Co-leading self awareness groups with Institute Human Development for 15 years, Co-ordinating & Leading Outdoor Adventure Camps for Youth at Risk. Currently he is actively involved in Rite of Passage Camps for Boys to Young Men, Circle of Men in Aged Hostels, W.A. Men’s Gathering, Activ Recreation and Aboriginal Reconciliation.

Gavin Marsh

Gavin is a health professional and has been exposed to mental health issues within the community in all age groups. He has worked as a volunteer and leader in rites of passage since 2008, having completed leadership training through the Pathways Foundation and more recently in 2015 with Dr Arne Rubenstein. Gavin is passionate about fostering an understanding of rites of passage work in the community and providing a safe experience for young adults and adults who choose to undertake this journey. He also presents the concepts of Rites of Passage to the broader community in schools and organisations such as the WA Football Commission, the Pharmacy Guild and Rotary. He is a father of three young adults all of who have experienced their own rite of passage.

Jill Parry

Jill became involved in Rites of Passage after her son attended a camp with his Father in 2005. Since then, she has attended ROP Leadership trainings in NSW and Perth and has become a Leader/Facilitator supporting the Rites Together Mothers Program. In addition, Jill has facilitated and supported healing retreats for Indigenous Women, all-gender weekend retreats and Mother/daughter camps. Jill experienced her own Rite of Passage in 2016 after completing a Vision Fast east of Perth. Professionally, Jill has been working as an Alcohol and Drug Counsellor/Group Facilitator for over fifteen years. Jill deeply believes in the importance of marking the transition from child to adult by way of a healthy and safe ROP which builds resilience, honours potential and
provides opportunity to deepen and strengthen relationships with self, family and community .

Karen Marsh

Karen found a passion for this work when her eldest son was in his adolescence and attended a rite of passage manhood weekend. She says “there was something tangibly transformational and beautiful that shifted for him (and for his father), and my heart was bursting with joy to witness that on his return”. And so it was that Karen became involved in this work 10yrs ago, she has also had her daughter and her youngest son pass through it, and continues to want to support others in creating healthy transitions into adulthood. In particular, Karen’s role is with the mothers and their vital part in this process. Karen is actively involved in women’s circles, leadership committees and co-gender groups. A nurse by profession, Karen is also taking time to develop skills in facilitation of womens work, vision fasting in nature and shadow work. She thrives on connection to community and nature and beside her family, loves cycling and tending her garden, chickens and bees!

Reijer Groenveld

Working on a professional level as an Occupational Therapist, Reijer has volunteered as a leader in Rites of Passage work for the past decade, having a prior association with Pathways since 2007 and undertaking leadership training.  Passionately drawn to the nurturing of community, Reijer imparts a sense a courage, love and grace to all he is involved in. Having been a leader of community circles and in men’s work, Reijer brings his love of nature and country to Rites Together. Reijer cares deeply about his family relationships. His gratitude for rites of passage stems from his own experiences with his 4 children and undertaking his own nature based Rites of Passage work.

Darrell Brown

Before moving into the area of Fatherhood, Masculinity and Men’s work, Darrell spent the first 25 years of his working life as a freelance cinematographer. Self driven and highly motivated, his passion for his work has given him a unique window into the world that few have rarely seen. Running parallel to this journey was Darrell desire to immerse himself in the world of self development. He trained in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and over a period of years became a Master practitioner and Associate trainer. At the age of 50 the culmination of his life’s work has been turned into a wonderfully inspiring book “Raised by Our Childhood Voices”. Making his mark as a genuine Fatherhood Author. In more recent times however, Darrell’s work has evolved to include working in Men’s groups and is now a sort after presenter on Men, Masculinity and the Modern-day Relationships.

Christina Cull

Christina first came to Rites Together in 2015 when her elder son did the Stepping into Manhood camp with his Dad. The camp was a very positive experience for her son and this flowed through to the whole family. In 2018, it was a repeat – as her younger son went through the same program. Christina was so impressed with Rites Together and how the camps included the Mother that she joined the leaders team. Christina participates by supporting the women as their son embarks on his own Rite of Passage. Christina has experience in women’s circles, Holding space and labyrinths. She is involved in leadership roles in peace education and in the community and thrives on connections with others. Her favourite things are her sons, her cat, cooking, reading and sipping tea in her back garden.

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